3 Phase Storage Inverters
The Sunsynk Three-Phase On-Grid Parity Inverters are highly efficient power management tools for three-phased grid applications. These inverters allow the user to control power flow from multiple sources such as solar, main electrical grids and generators, effectively storing and delivering electric power to the grid.
These amazing three-phase inverters have a unique feature. They can operate and balance the load, which means you can have 20% connected to one phase, 20% to another and 60% to the third phase, it still gives perfect phase rotation. No other inverter in their class can offer this amazing feature. Maintenance is quick and easy – about 10 minutes a month for most units.
8kw 3 Phase Inverter

10kw 3 Phase Inverter

12kw 3 Phase Inverter

Hybrid Inverters
Hybrid systems generate power in the same way as a common grid tie solar system but use special hybrid inverters and batteries to store energy for later use. This ability to store energy enables most hybrid systems to also operate as a back-up power supply in the same way as a UPS system. Advantages of Hybrid Solar Systems.
The Sunsynk Single-Phase Hybrid Inverter is a highly efficient power management tool that allows the user to hit those ‘parity’ targets by managing power-flow from multiple sources such as solar, mains power (grid) and generators, and then effectively storing and releasing power as and when utilities require.
3.6kW On-Grid Parity Inverter with Storage

5.5kW On-Grid Parity Inverter with Storage

8kW On-Grid Parity Inverter with Storage

Parity Inverter

Looking for SunSynk Manuals and Datasheets?
Head on over to the SunSynk website to access all there latest manuals, datasheets and other useful downloads.
Interested in Sunsynk Inverters?
Complete the form on this page and we will be in touch with you discuss your needs. We would also like to invite installers to contact us for installer pricing.
Alternatively, call +61 423 680 076 or email sales@offgridlifestylesolutions.com.au and we will be happy to chat over the phone or via email.
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+61 423 680 076
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